
How To Find The Volume Of A Cone

Cone Volume Figurer

Created by Hanna Pamuła , PhD candidate

Reviewed by

Bogna Szyk and Jack Bowater

Last updated:

December 08, 2021

This cone book calculator can help in solving your school bug or tin answer your weird day-to-twenty-four hour period questions. How much ice foam fits into my cone? How much cream tin can I put into the pastry purse? Or what's the volume of my conical champagne glass? If these are the questions that bother y'all every day, go on reading!

Cone volume formula

Image of a cone with height and radius marked

A cone is a solid that has a circular base of operations and a single vertex. To calculate its volume you need to multiply the base surface area (area of a circumvolve: π * r²) by summit and by i/three:

  • volume = (i/3) * π * r² * h

A cone with a polygonal base is called a pyramid.

How to find the volume of a cone?

Let's calculate how much water does information technology fit into the conical part of the funnel.

  1. Determine the acme of the cone. For our funnel, information technology's 4 in.
  2. Enter the base of operations radius. Information technology may be equal to 3 in.
  3. The volume of the cone is displayed in the calculator - in our case, information technology'south 37.7 cu in.

Remember that you can change the units to meet your exact needs - click on the unit and select from the list. If yous need simple volume unit conversion, check out our volume converter tool.

Truncated cone volume (book of frustum)

Image of a frustum with height and top and bottom radii marked

A truncated cone is the cone with the top cut off, with a cut perpendicular to the height. Y'all tin calculate frustum book by subtracting smaller cone volume (the cut one) from the bigger base one, or use the formula:

  • volume = (1/3) * π * depth * (r² + r * R + R²), where R is a radius of the base of a cone, and r of top surface radius

An case of the volume of a truncated cone adding can be found in our potting soil calculator, as the standard flower pot is a frustum of a cone.

Oblique cone volume

An oblique cone is a cone with an apex that is not aligned above the centre of the base of operations. Information technology "leans" to one side, similarly to the oblique cylinder. The cone volume formula of the oblique cone is the same equally for the correct ane.


How do I calculate a cone volume by manus?

To calculate the volume of a cone, follow these instructions:

  1. Detect the cone's base of operations area a. If unknown, determine the cone's base radius r.
  2. Find the cone'due south height h.
  3. Apply the cone book formula: volume = (one/3) * a * h if you know the base expanse, or volume = (1/iii) * π * r² * h otherwise.
  4. Congratulations, you've successfully computed the volume of your cone!

What is the relationship betwixt the book of a cone and a cylinder?

If a cone and cylinder have the aforementioned height and base radius, then the volume of cone is equal to 1 third of that of cylinder. That is, you would demand the contents of three cones to make full upward this cylinder. The same relationship holds for the book of a pyramid and that of a prism (given that they take the same base of operations area and height).

What is the volume of a typical ice foam cone?

The size of an water ice foam waffle varies quite widely, yet there are a few sizes that can exist regarded as typical:

Radius Height Volume
1 in six in 6.three cu in
3 cm 11 cm 34.6 cm³
2.5 cm 11.5 cm 30.i cm³
1 7/8 in 4 5/viii in 9.1 cu in
1 three/16 in 6 in 7.5 cu in

What is the volume of cone with radius ane and height iii?

Recall that the cone volume formula reads:

book = (1/3) * π * r² * h

so in our case, we take

volume = (1/3) * π * ane² * 3,

then the book of our cone is exactly π! As we all know, this tin can be approximated as volume ≈ 3.14159.

Hanna Pamuła , PhD candidate


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